Company Profile

Company Name Tsukuba Kanko inc.
Manager Of Operation Representative Director Nobuyama Katsuyoshi
Head Office Location 4-33-19 Higahi-cho, Koganei-city, Tokyo 184-0011
Web Site
Business Description Booking and arrangement of tours in Tokyo Tama District.
Sales Price Please check details on each tour page of web site stated above.
How To Apply Please apply from web site stated above. (Not accepted over the phone)
Payment Method Credit card (24 hours)
Due Date Of Payment Booking confirmation: by receiving booking confirmation e-mail
Necessary Expenses Other Than Product (Service) Communication costs associated with web site use (Internet connection charge or mobile phone charge when using web site)
Product (Service) Delivery Time Tour participation date at the meeting place.
*The booking confirmation e-mail may be checked at the meeting place before starting the tour.
About Web Site Malfunctions You will be informed how to cope with by e-mail of this site if any problems or troubles are found.
Propriety Of Returns Returns are not accepted due to the nature of the service.
Privacy Policy Please refer to the privacy policy on the web site above.
Others Please refer to the terms and conditions of this web site for matters that are not defined.